Meet Our Independent Providers

Lauren Hammond, PhD (she/her)

E-Passport & Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Psychology (APIT) through PSYPACT®: Active. See participating states here.

I am a clinical psychologist licensed in Washington state and a certified DBT therapist by the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification™. I enjoy working with older teens (16+) and adults. I specialize in working with individuals who are having difficulty regulating intense emotions, have experienced trauma, are struggling with self-harm or suicidal ideation, or are exploring their gender identity or sexual orientation.

I approach therapy primarily from behavioral, cognitive, and mindfulness-based perspectives, and have specific expertise in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) for depression and anxiety, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) for borderline personality disorder as well as a range of additional disorders with emotion dysregulation, and Prolonged Exposure (PE)/Dialectic Behavior Therapy Prolonged Exposure (DBT PE) for PTSD. I am passionate about providing anti-oppressive care for the LGBTQIA+ community and offer assessments and letters for Gender Affirming Surgery.

I strive to build a strong therapeutic relationship as the foundation for working together—one characterized by compassion, curiosity, open-mindedness, humor, and genuineness. While valuing evidence-based interventions, I also work hard to explicitly consider the cultural, social, and structural forces impacting each person’s individual needs.

Dorian Hunter, PhD (she/her)

I am a clinical psychologist licensed in Washington state and a certified DBT therapist by the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification. I provide a variety of clinical services and enjoy working with adults, couples, and older teens.  My passion is helping people who are struggling with intense emotions and behaviors that feel out of their control, and difficulties in relationships.  My focus is on implementing and training others to implement evidence-based treatments in the context of a warm, supportive, and empathic human relationship.  I approach therapy primarily from behavioral, cognitive-behavioral (CBT), and mindfulness-based perspectives, and have specific expertise in a kind of CBT called Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), for individuals and couples.  I also conduct cognitive-behavioral and mindfulness-based interventions for alcohol and other substance use disorders, binge eating, PTSD and other anxiety disorders, and depression. 

I believe behaviors occur in context and that context matters. I adhere to a transactional model of understanding how behavior operates in people’s environments. Therefore, my approach with clients is to tailor treatment so that it best fits the needs of the person I’m working with. We would work together to develop a plan for therapy that we both believe will work well for you.  It is my hope to create an environment that fosters the development of a powerful therapeutic relationship that fuels and supports the changes you want to make. In tailoring treatment, I work to be aware of and sensitive to how my background and experiences may be similar or different from my clients, and to engage collaboratively with people from all identities, backgrounds, and cultures. The provision of gender-affirming care and anti-racism in my work are important to me.

Liz LoTempio, PsyD (she/her)

I am a clinical psychologist licensed in Washington state and a certified DBT therapist by the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification. I specialize in working with individuals who are wanting to reduce suicidal and self-harming behaviors, individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and/or PTSD, and individuals with eating disorders (including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder). My focus is on providing evidence-based treatment for these and other presenting problems for adults and adolescents, including dialectical behavior therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. While I place a high value on treatments that are supported by the research, I recognize the limitations of the research, particularly for under-represented groups. Therefore, I also strongly believe in tailoring the treatment to the individual and the central importance of developing a strong, collaborative relationship based on compassion and validation. I am committed to providing quality care to clients from all backgrounds and identities, honoring each client’s unique experiences, values, and goals through tailored and culturally responsive treatment. I provide gender-affirming care, I follow a Health at Every Size model, and I am committed to the work of anti-racism and racial justice in my clinical work and personal life.

I currently provide Telehealth services for clients located in WA state and in-person services in Ruston, WA (near Tacoma).

Jared Michonski, PhD

E-Passport & Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Psychology (APIT) through PSYPACT®: Active.  See participating states here.

I am a clinical psychologist who works with adults, adolescents, and families to treat suicidality and self-injury, borderline personality disorder, emotion dysreguation, anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and parenting challenges. Additionally, I specialize in working with clients who are interested in exploring the intersection of mental health challenges and their religious faith.

I am committed to delivering interventions that have demonstrated efficacy, while also recognizing that effective treatment requires a strong relationship—one characterized by understanding, compassion, and collaboration. I draw primarily from Dialectical Behavior Therapy and other cognitive-behavioral treatments, including exposure, mindfulness, and acceptance based strategies. In employing such approaches, I strive to work as a team with the client to individualize interventions in such a way that honors the person’s unique life story, social experiences, cultural background, and personality. I strive to understand how a person’s particular strengths and community resources can be harnessed in navigating their way through emotional and behavioral challenges and experiences of suffering and disadvantage, en route to their life goals. Furthermore, I incorporate theologically-informed interventions with those clients for whom such an approach is desired.

I am a board certified DBT therapist by the DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, an organization founded by the developer of DBT, Dr. Marsha Linehan.