Beginning Therapy

15 Minute Complimentary Consultation

All providers at Balance Psychotherapy Collaborative offer a free, 15 minute consultation. Like any other relationship, it’s important to make sure the fit with your prospective provider is right for you. When you first meet, you'll be getting a sense of your prospective provider just as much as they’ll be getting to know you. So if it turns out they’re not the right fit for you - don't worry. They’ll help you find the right provider to work with.

Intake Session

During your first meetings, your prospective provider will gather a lot of information about you, your life experiences, your current struggles, and your goals for treatment. This will help your prospective provider determine the most appropriate approach to treatment and whether they have the expertise to help you. Generally, the first several meetings are focused on assessment, determining the most appropriate treatment, discussing the specifics of that treatment, and together developing a plan moving forward. You’re encouraged to ask questions of your prospective provider during this time to make sure that you feel they’re the right person to help you.


Given that positive change is most likely to occur when there is consistent follow-up and problem solving, prospective providers typically meet with clients weekly until the situation or reason for seeking treatment has noticeably improved. Once clients have achieved significant progress, the provider and client may decide to taper the frequency of sessions (every other week, once per month, or less) or end treatment. You’ll both collaboratively work together to figure out what the best follow-up plan is for you.


Your provider will coordinate, with your consent, with other providers involved in your care, which may include a psychiatrist, registered dietitian, primary care physician, and/or other medical specialists.